01.11.2023 15:15Cosmic Attunement

Your role in reaching a higher light trajectory is greatly assisted with crystalline tools to assist your cellular and vibrational expansion. Sound Healing is a vibrational therapy, creating a crystalline field of light that ripples through your light body. Preparation is key, connecting to your light field, ... More...

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25.10.2023 15:38Metaphysics
Temple of Light

Theosophical Society - Techno-spirituality: Shifting beyond the Flow Lucy Oliver has been a teacher and practitioner of meditation derived from the Western esoteric tradition for over forty years. After studies in sacred symbolism at Oxford University, Lucy has developed Symbolic Encounters, a method ... More...

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15.10.2023 01:28Cosmic Astrology

Our Universal All-Embracive Consciousness capable to co-create in one unity-streaming with the most Cosmo-Intelligent and Celestial ‘Spheres’ , supporting the luminous codes of love, prosperity and deep inner peace. It is expansion on the new stage of evolution, in solution and prospectives for the Global ... More...

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14.08.2023 15:09Theosophy

The Aquarian Theosophist - is new Realease of Updated Theosophical Publications in 'Magazine' format. Dedicated to the Greatest Principles of Healthy Mental and LifeStyle living, via Professional Vegan programs, Yoga Activities and Spiritual Philosophy. United with the 'Ancient Origins' Platforms - it ... More...

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17.12.2022 18:43Metaphysics

This paper presents a hypothesis for integrating into the scientific framework phenomena of consciousness which frequently have been considered beyond scientific description. Intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and many similar information phenomena seem to be easily explained by means of the nonlocal quantum hologram. ... More...

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17.12.2022 18:43Metaphysics

The New Earth Sphere will be formed on the holographic model of the Universe. It will be an Integral Theory of Everything. This will be the breakthrough in science which will lead the rest of the world to this new understanding that we are indeed all one.This is a very important part of Spiritual Science ... More...

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08.10.2022 18:00Cosmic Astrology

Modern human beings have lost intimate contact with the seasons, but agricultural or peasant peoples were much more aware of them. However, seasons are still so important that they define the basic cycle of astrological signs. The name "seasons" refers to the stages and stations of the Sun in the sky, ... More...

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24.09.2022 19:42Cosmic Attunement
Spiri Vie Universelle VISION

The Esoteric Philosophy teaches that at the origin of every natural and phenomenal force there is a conscious guiding intelligent ruling power. As every force is a correlation of motion or vibration, each of the hierarchies is related to frequency or numbers of vibrations. Collectively, the hierarchies ... More...

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[ 10.09.2024 07:33:11 ]