Your role in reaching a higher light trajectory is greatly assisted with crystalline tools to assist your cellular and vibrational expansion.
Sound Healing is a vibrational therapy, creating a crystalline field of light that ripples through your light body.
Preparation is key, connecting to your light field, opening your heart space to reach a heightened light body connection.
For this will assist a deeper sound healing cellular level experience. Enabling you to awaken to the essence of the vibrational sound, connect to the crystalline frequency and feel your light body expand.
For this is the exercise we wish you to practice. For reaching us requires a similar technique. To open your heart space and connect to your light body.
Your role is to understand the multidimensional ability of your light body. Feel your light body expand, connect to a Higher Light Field.
For your light body is activating and expanding now, it is a complex light vechile.
Your Light Portal for the future.
As your world is merging into a Higher Dimensional Light Construct. As you collectively expand your light field.
Such an exciting journey is ahead
Sendings waves of Cosmic Love xo
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Thank you Artist ❤