The Esoteric Philosophy teaches that at the origin of every natural and phenomenal force there is a conscious guiding intelligent ruling power. As every force is a correlation of motion or vibration, each of the hierarchies is related to frequency or numbers of vibrations. Collectively, the hierarchies of conscious intelligent powers are sometimes called the “Army of the Voice.” The “Voice” metaphysically represents the Divine Voice of the Logos - the expression of the unmanifested divine thought. However, “Voice” as sound or vibration can also refer to their creative power.
In exoteric forms of religion, the totality of the spiritual intelligent powers are blended into one and called the “Creator.” Examples include such terms as 'Brahmans' (oldish version) or 'Elohims' ( New Age Expansions: Spirits of Light Kingdoms, Universal Stella Dimensions ). Even in Masonry, these hierarchies are synthesized into “The Great Architect of the Universe.” However, the esoteric expression of religious symbolism is in 'accord' with the teaching of the Esoteric Philosophy ( Mysterious Universal Expressions)...
Spiri Vie Universelle VISION |
For example, in the Kabala, Adam Kadmon or Sephora are terms for the synthesis of ten Sephiroth or emanations - three higher and seven lower. Similarly, in the Vedas, 'Brahma', the creative Logos, has three higher and seven lower 'Prajapati'( ancient terms) or 'luminous emanations' in Supreme Universal Intelligent Programming... @ The number ten was often used to symbolize the totality of creative forces from which the whole universe proceeded during the 'manvantaric period' of activity (one big universal life circle). The first of these intelligent creative powers are the highest Beings on the scale of existence: The Equivalent of Supreme Intelligent Life Forces, producing Elixir De Vie - the Elixir of Life ( according to the Ancient Cosmic Alchemy of Inner Transformation - the Sourcing of Golden FOHATUM = Quantum Chi= Revitalizing Essential Substances (elements) of Supra-Natural Life Force Energy )...
The "Army of the Voice," is the prototype of the "Host of the Logos," or the "WORD" of the Sepher Jezirah, called in the Secret Doctrine "the One Number issued from No-Number" — the One Eternal Principle. The esoteric theogony begins with the One, manifested, therefore not eternal in its presence and being, if eternal in its essence; the number of the numbers and numbered — the latter proceeding from the Voice, the feminine Vâch, Satarupa "of the hundred forms," or Nature. It is from this number 10, or creative nature, the Mother (the occult cypher, or "nought," ever procreating and multiplying in union with the Unit "I," one, or the Spirit of Life), that the whole Universe proceeded. (SD I, 94)
"The Collective CREATOR' - is One of the Highest Cosmic Archetypes of the Most Powerful Regenerating, Creative Producing, able to work on the multiple levels of the universal matrixes, with the entire blueprints of the whole 'civilization', the equivalent of the Cosmic LOGOS...
(The Ancient Universal Theosophy)... Spiri Vie...xoxoxo
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