THE INNER CAUSES OF GRAVITY (Cosmic Principles of Fohat)

 10.08.2019 20:16

THE INNER CAUSES OF GRAVITY (Cosmic Principles of Fohat)

Spiritual Science
 Secret Doctrine, Occult Sciences, Cosmic Blueprint, Quantum Physics, Nature of Fohat, Theosophical Lodge, Egyptian Neters, Fohatisation, Illumination, Alchemical Transformation


(Cosmic Principles of Fohat)

While Modern Science is content to look at gravity from the outside according to its visible and physically measurable effects, Occult Science understands the nature of the forces of nature - gravity, light, heat, electricity, and others - from the inside. These causes are real according to the Esoteric Philosophy but are generally an abstraction at this time for the physical senses and intellect.

Universal Alchemical Formulas

Universal Alchemical Formulas

Isaac Newton was aware of the ancient idea of Ether, and had studied the writings of the mystic and seer, Jacob Boehme. The latter wrote about gravity and considered it to be a universal law, a first property of Nature. The same force that draws all degrees of conscious beings back to their spiritual origin and center, permeates and works through physical matter as that attractive force called gravity that draws material objects towards each other.

There are three general principles that underlie the teachings of the Esoteric Philosophy on gravity:

1. First, the so-called forces of nature, including gravity, are not properties of matter. They are the “affections” or interactions of matter with other influences. Matter is the condition, or necessary basis or vehicle, for the manifestation of these hidden influences on this physical plane.

2. Second, all the forces of nature, including gravity, manifesting through matter on this physical plane, are the outer expression of the quality or characteristic of a distinct intelligent entity acting on an inner and higher plane of substance.

3. Third, all the forces of nature, including gravity, are energized and guided by Fohat - universal vital electricity. Therefore, they have been called the “Sons of Fohat.”

(This study is based on the content of SD I, pp. 492-494.)


“Newton is credited with having given the death-blow to the Elemental Vortices of Descartes (the idea of Anaxagoras, resurrected, by-the-bye), though the last modern "vortical atoms" of Sir W. Thomson do not, in truth, differ much from the former. Nevertheless, when his disciple Forbes wrote in the Preface to the chief work of his Master a sentence declaring that "attraction was the cause of the System," Newton was the first to solemnly protest. That which in the mind of the great mathematician assumed the shadowy, but firmly rooted image of God, as the noumenon of all, was called more philosophically by the ancient (and modern) philosophers and Occultists—"Gods," - ‘Neters’ (Cosmic Archetypes), or the creative fashioning Powers.” (SD I, 492)

"Attraction," Le Couturier, a materialist, writes, "has now become for the public that which it was for Newton himself—a simple word, an idea" (Panorama des Mondes), since its cause is unknown. Herschell virtually says the same, when remarking, that whenever studying the motion of the heavenly bodies, and the phenomena of attraction, he feels penetrated at every moment with the idea of "the existence of causes that act for us under a veil, disguising their direct action." (Musee des Sciences, August, 1856.)” (SD I, pg. 492fn)

In the Modern ‘Terms and Conditions’ of Quanto-Bio-Science ( Biology, Quantum Physics, Neuro-Bio-Linguistics, etc) - the Ancient Concept of FOHAT corresponds to the Bio-Photonical Illuminations - micro-leptonic particles transmitting their data on cellular level in our ‘bio-physical nature’. As the Power of Fohat is Unmeasurable - the only one available tool to measure the right ‘doze’ of this all-powerful intelligent substance, is our Own Consciousness ( extra-sensoria skills). Like any other form of Energy, Fohat can be very useful for Deep Inner Self Purification (Fohatisation) , on top level cosmic frequencies, and ‘photonisation’ ( on low-vibrational frequencies ), the only one difference is in the right ‘application’ (quantisation) of these Cosmo-Genetic ‘Universal Formulas’ for Your Personal Alchemical Transformation, and beyond…

Be Light in SupraMental MIND, Grand D’AMOUR Sur La ‘Spiri-VIE’ Essentials xoxoxo

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Дата: 10.08.2019 20:16 (Прочтено: 738)
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