
Universal Breathing of Light - Green-Peace-Paradise RESORTS!!!

 Holographic Universe, Multidimensional Realities, 5D+, New Earth Dimensions, Noosphere MAG, Divine KAMI, Spirits of Nature, Planetray Purification, Green Peace Paradise Resorts, Universal Breathing of Light - Green-Peace-Paradise RESORTS

Universal Breathing of Light - Green-Peace-Paradise RESORTS!!!

Our Beautiful Multi-Dimensional Universe having its own 'rehabilitation' period nowadays: transiting from very 'densificated' low 'democrative energies' into a new Level of Her Supra-Natural Ascension - Prosperous New Earth Hologram ( 5D+ and Beyond)...All Eco-Systems are coming through the process of deep cleansing and self-rejuvenation, recalibrating its Original Potential on Macro-Cosmic Scales.

'Green-Peace- Paradise- Resorts' of Noospheric dimensions taking a 'New Stage' in its 'downloading' for Planetary Assimilation with the Crystalline Grid of Luminous Consciousness, united with the field of All Possibilities in Universal Quantum Ocean of Purifying Energies, for Upgrading on the New level of Cosmic Sourcing...



Cosmic Sourcing is Everything - it is a Life beyond 'BIOS' programming codes, or otherwise, 'unification' with the high level of bio-photo-ionisation on all levels of the Planetary Photo-Synthesis. "Pure Charge of Ozon in electro-magnetic fields, energizing every cell and atom of Universal Creation..."

As soon as the synchronization of all bio-spheres with Noospheric Quantum level Dimensions will be accomplished, the new currents of illumining energies will start streaming on Earth, washing away all 'oldish-out-dating-codings' and 'programmings' in people's minds. This will be the Next Stage in Universal Ascending Plan, guided by Supreme Inter-Galactic Forces of Universal Creation. ( Supreme High-Intelligent Forms of Consciousness - invisible for physical eyes, but yet, still absolutely REAL and Supra-Dynamic in all their manifestations). People used to name them as 'extra-terrestrials', 'angels', 'light-beings' etc... They have multiple forms of self-manifestations, but still prefer to stay 'invisible' for 'human eyes', just for the pleasure of multi-dimensional 'games' and mysterious initiations....

"...The Luminous Lotus of Divine Wisdom uplifting our Spirit with its Essentials up to the Worlds of Divine KAMI ( Ancient Japanese Name for Enlightened Spirits-Beings), whereas the Spirits of Humans and Spirits of Nature are totally Merging into One Universal BLISS - with One of Her Highest Goddess Supreme Archetype - Amaterasu OMIKAMI..." ( Ancient Cosmic Rituals of DZEN )

The Ancient Cosmic Ritual of Purification is United with the Ancient Traditions of Inner-Temple Worshiping, when, Human Body was Considered as a Sacred Tantric Temple of the Divine One Within - our Own Universal DOW - Supramental Essence - Essential Extra-Sensoric Spiritual Substance of Intelligent Light. @ InLighting floating Candles in the bowl with water and Aroma-Sticks surrounded with fruits and delicious treats, were the essential 'elements' of all ancient evening tea ceremonies and Deep Relaxing Meditations...

Let the Light of our Inner-Temples shines more Brightly with every new day, illuminating pathway for Ascending SOULS in Victorius SUBLIME of the Most SACRED FLAME of Inner PEACE and BALANCE,

Luminous Formulas of Inner-Transformation, ( PhiloSophy of Cosmic Realities, Universal VISION, Lectorium)

Дата: 09.05.2019 01:07 (Прочтено: 841)
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