28.08.2019 22:04

Mastering Co-Creation in Divine Consciousness!

 Universal Identity, Divine Consciousness, Quantum Intelligence, ISN, Divine Matrix Connection, Cosmic Blueprint, Ancient Spirit Alchemy, Luminous Light Formulas

Mastering Co-Creation in Divine Consciousness!

The global process to restore the Universal identity of Humankind, reveals the clarity to understand the basic concepts of the Human existence on Mother Earth.

The Universe is a Massive Brain Quantum connected interdimensionally, through a synapse of Cosmic electromagnetic Impulses, Thoughts, Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations.

The Pure Transparent Structure of this Interdimensional Universal Communication, only allows Telepathically and Spiritually Pure Thoughts, Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations to travel across the Cosmos in Universal Intelligence, Integrity and Loyalty to the Soul Spirit of the Prime Source of Consciousness of the Master Creation, where WE all are equal Souls in the diversity of Awareness of the Master Co-creation in Divine Consciousness, to manifest the Reality and Human Experience in a constant time space state of Grace, with the Pure Intention, Motivation, Incentive to contribute with our Unique Spiritual Singularities to the Global and Universal best Reality Possible for our Civilization, Mother Earth and the Universe. (Juan José Vallejo Cívicos)

The Universal Quantum Intelligence (UQI) will never stop to continue its own ‘projects’ by developing super-intelligent ‘quantum beings’ with Siddhi level skills in All Possibilities. This Agenda was proclaimed by the Cosmic Manuscripts as ‘a Birth of a New Cosmic Race’ - Homo Sapience Universalis’ - corresponds to Total Integration with the Quantum Field of All Possibilities. ( New Earth Multi-Dimensional Realities)… - It is a New Invisible Subtle Network (ISN), which connect millions of Intelligent beings to create new pathways for Inter-Galactic Cooperation for the Mutual Benefit on every level in their individual ‘Cosmic Ascension’. (The Divine Matrix Connection)

From a casual glance about us, the physical world appears to be completely incomprehensible. The universe is so complicated, its structures and processes so diverse and fitful, there seems to be no reason why human beings should ever come to understand it. Yet the entire scientific enterprise is founded on the audacious assumption—accepted as an act of faith by scientists—that beneath the baffling kaleidoscope of phenomena that confront our inspection lies a hidden mathematical order. More than this. Science proceeds on the basis that the underlying order in nature can, at least in part, be grasped by the human intellect….(Cosmic Blueprint)

According to Scientific Researchings of Michael Talbot, we do live in Multidimensional Hologram, constructed via micro-leptonic particles of all-embracing substantional cosmic energy, capable to transform any densificated forms into the pure State of Golden ~ QUANTA (FOHATUM - ELIXIRUM). This Trans-Alchemic Formulas were a hidden mystery of many ancient ‘occult schools’ like : Hermetic Philosophy, Ancient Egyptian Alchemy, Cosmic Kabbalistic Traditions (Universal Tree of Life - Spiritual AGENDA) ~ These all became a part of our ‘Universal Heritage’, and the foundational base of many Scientific Discoveries.

The New Stage in our Spiritual Evolution is directly connected with this Universal Cosmic AGENDA and Its Spiritual Principles of Ancient Alchemy. “There is no issue, which can’t be ‘transformed’ from ‘iron’ condition into a Pure ‘GOLD’ - Spiritual Essential Luminous Substance of Light…”

Luminous Light Formulas becoming a part in our everyday ‘Essential Rituals’ for self-Activation and Harmonisation programs. Create them During Your Spiritual Sacramental Sessions, Purify Your Subtle -Energy structures, Send Light-VIBES into the Universal Fields and Your True Beloved Souls, Stay TUNED ~ on the WAVES of Ocean Breeze, with All THAT IS…. (The Alchemical Formulas of Transformation)

Quantum Healing Arts International

Дата: 28.08.2019 22:04 (Прочтено: 803)
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