QUANTUM HEALING ARTS INTERNATIONALVIDEO PROGRAMSRemove All Negative Blockages : Erase Subconscious Negative Patterns - Release Unwanted Thoughts


Remove All Negative Blockages : Erase Subconscious Negative Patterns - Release Unwanted Thoughts

Healing Arts Tutorial
 remove all negative blockages, erase subconscious negative patterns, binaural beats, release unwanted thoughts, remove negative blocks

Published: на YouTube 15.11.2018

Remove All Negative Blockages : Erase Subconscious Negative Patterns - Release Unwanted Thoughts - Binaural Beats #GV930 by Good Vibes - Binaural Beats.

Theta Binaural Beats + Meditation Music.
This session is for getting rid of unwanted and negative thoughts which has been blocking your way of inner peace & inner balance. Let go of all the Negative Blockages on your way to Harmony & Joy by erasing those Subconscious Negative Patterns clouding your Mind.

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Дата: 12.01.2023 (Прочтено: 1148)
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[ 27.07.2024 06:54:36 ]