The Future of our Civilization, definitely, connected with the New Universal Vision, with Updated 'Sensors' to Observe and Navigate Our Realities.The Original Blueprint of 'Civilization' is deeply rooted in the Concept of 'CIVIL Communications', coming from Latin means: ... More...
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New Issue of Cosmic Zen&Spa Mag, 2019 - Nouvelle Dimension for the Spirit of Life , which is in French Language we name as @Spiri’Vie! It is all about LifeStyle, Zen Beauty in many forms, Spa Retreats and Art Photography! The Philosophical Conception ... More...
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“Things are as real as you focus them to be. Everything is as you focus it to be. The power of your mind is so much more than you know! You are able to focus other than the traditional way. And as you do this, your world and those close to you, are ... More...
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Having passed the winter solstice on December 21st, celebrated in ancient civilizations as the time of the birth of their 'Sun-Gods' (Spiritual Cosmic Archetypes), we are entering a new year and a new cycle via the 'Quantum Access' of All Possibilities, ... More...
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Mystic Poetry Collection is the Multi-Lingual Meditative Course of Light Formulas and Light Prayers in Ancient Languages: Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Latinus, English and Russian Sacramental (Kabbalistic) Languages....This Collection is a Part of UNESCO ... More...
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Time is circular. Everything occurring in time is cyclic. Each ending brings about a new beginning, and the way we finish one year of our lives helps define the contents of the next year, as far as we are concerned. One brief moment results from immeasurably long processes, ... More...
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As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, their “Son of God,” it is an opportune time to consider the metaphysical ideas that are the root and origin of all the allegories about “Sons of God” born of immaculate virgins. The ... More...
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Universal mind, as the collectivity of all the hierarchies of intelligent creative spiritual beings, is the architect of the manifested and differentiated universe during an active manvantaric period. However, when the entire universe is in its Pralaya of inactivity and rest, ... More...
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"When twins get together, it is for some kind of spiritual service work. This is their primary reason for finding each other, because through their union a huge birthing of creative energy is released, to be used for their mission together. More and more ... More...
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