24.09.2022 19:42Cosmic Attunement
Spiri Vie Universelle VISION

The Esoteric Philosophy teaches that at the origin of every natural and phenomenal force there is a conscious guiding intelligent ruling power. As every force is a correlation of motion or vibration, each of the hierarchies is related to frequency or numbers of vibrations. Collectively, the hierarchies ... More...

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14.06.2022 14:09Metaphysics
QUantum Minds

”As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work. What is your work? Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into systems that have limited light frequency, because light is information. This in not cold, computer-data information; it ... More...

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27.04.2022 15:35Healing Arts

Your role in reaching a higher light trajectory is greatly assisted with crystalline tools to assist your cellular and vibrational expansion. Sound Healing is a vibrational therapy, creating a crystalline field of light that ripples through your light body. Preparation is key, connecting to your light field, ... More...

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03.03.2022 18:58Healing Arts

We all need a little pick-me-up sometimes, perhaps even more right now as we get used to this new reality we’re living in. Instead of taking an afternoon coffee or a sugary snack, why not take a few deep breaths? Join expert Deborah Quibell in this guided meditation and discover the energising power of pranic breathing. More...

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03.03.2022 18:51Cosmic Astrology

This year we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention: a unique legal instrument that protects both both cultural and natural heritage. Because of this, the World Heritage List includes the most spectacular sites across the globe, and continues to grow.In this issue, we are ... More...

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07.07.2021 17:34Metaphysics

As a result of the significant shift in consciousness humanity is currently experiencing many are searching for support, guidance, understanding and a more meaningful, profound and purposeful way of life. At Spirit Pathways our purpose is to inspire you to live the life you are destined for, a life that is both joyful and deeply fulfilling. ... More...

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03.05.2021 20:49Spirit Pathways
Spring Equinox Celebration

The resurrection celebrated every year during Christian Easter is available to all human beings, and can be experienced any time in one way or another. The sad old Christianity of dogma, guilt and intolerance must give way during the 21st century to a new spirituality that is inter-religious, philosophical, ... More...

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24.04.2021 02:22Metaphysics

BELOVEDS PREPARE TO STAND STRONG WITHIN THE INCOMING SOLAR ENERGY ... WE ARE SOLAR BEINGS OF CHRISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS - ENCODING EVOLUTIONARY WAVEFORM A CONSTANT STREAM of super charged solar particles in the form of accelerated waveforms are now pulsing into the planet through our physical sun. THIS ELECTROMAGNETIC ... More...

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[ 08.12.2024 01:05:10 ]