UNESCO and the Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium

Дата: 25.01.2012 01:33

The main objective of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is closely linked to the ideas of the Third-Millennium’ Cosmic Polyart, which was founded by Viktoria Preobrazhenskaya.

Its objects and purposes are to help strengthen peace and security by broadening cooperation among peoples in the fields of education, science and culture, to achieve global respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights, as well as the fundamental freedoms promulgated in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for all people without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

Viktoria Preobrazhenskaya has, for more than 20 years, been actively affirming a new culture for all mankind, centred on her own spiritual knowledge and experience and on the supreme principles of the harmony and beauty of the Universe which surrounds us.

And today, Viktoria Preobrazhenskaya is a Goodwill Ambassador, working in fellowship with UNESCO’s programme for the preservation and growth of the Universal Cultural Heritage.

Her “Third-Millennium’ Cosmic Polyart” is one more contribution to art’s treasures.

Viktoria Preobrazhenskaya has worked out a plan to develop the Diplomatic Mission of Her “Cosmic Polyart”, as an art for the enlightenment of mankind of the future.

She has also developed a number of programmed projects to preserve the heritage of Russian Theosophy, to spread and clarify sacred cosmic knowledge, and to promote and develop a Centre, located in Moscow, for Viktoria Preobrazhenskaya’s Third-Millennium’ Cosmic Polyart.

We invite backers and sponsors to help carry out these projects on a worldwide scale, and all interested persons and organisations to participate in them.

The initiative group of the Third-Millennium’ Cosmic Polyart Creative Union.
