THE COSMIC TREE OF LIFE, by Ana-Stasi Fennell, MA in Ed.

Дата: 15.11.2015 04:25


As a seed is being planted from the heavens above, born from a far away place, each seed comes with a gift to share and bloom into its very potential to the fullest. As we were planted in the ‘dirt’ (more densificated layers), we may not remember want we came for, what is my task, who am I, what is my mission? As we grow though are growth spurts pushing up towards and through the dirt, we reach the sun at last… (Spiritual Form of Cosmic Consciousness)…

The Cosmic Tree of Life.

The Cosmic Tree of Life.

Through the time growing, we may have snow storms hit us, wind blows us down, bugs or disease eat us, we may be thrusting for water, we start to learn what it means to go through harsh times, to stand in those roots to survive, to be strong. Those very things tore us apart and put our very spirit down, and at the same time it may leave a scar along with it. As those scars can be deep sometimes, down to the very roots. At times we may get sunshine, a small breeze comes by, rain comes by when we are thirsty, and we feel grateful for the small things and the big things.

It brings healing and warmth to our very heart, to soften and heal those scars away. And as we grow into a full grown tree, we wish more and more to spread our leaves, to know the sweetness of life.

Our roots ( ancient ancestors) want to transmitte their ‘nourishing juices’ into the core of our essence, our branches (spiritual connections) support us with the tasty ‘food’ (information) for our soul, our trunk (spiritual family) holds us as One in Unity Consciousness, our Crown of leaves ( good life skills) is able to nourish with oxygen (life force energy) the entire planet, her atmosphere…

Becoming a Tree (its ‘holographic projection’), we are able to heal and rejuvenate ourselves and many other people around us. Plants and Trees are such a Mysterious Form of Consciousness, who possess Really ‘Sacramental Secrets’ of Mother Nature… They are deeply ‘initiated’ into the cosmic process of natural photosynthesis, they know how to transform carbon dioxide into pure oxygen ???!!! What a fantastic skill, who else on the entire planet can do such things? Who knows how to feed yourself with Prana and Solar Energy? Only the Flora Kingdom is totally ‘initiated’ into this Life Mystery by Mother Nature…)))

As above so below, everything is interconnected within us. All our spiritual bodies, together with 3D ‘physical system’, are one giant tree that needs to be cherish from top to bottom… Growth is truly a learning process of life. When we’re connected with our roots, deeply planted into the body of mother earth, we feel deep inner support and the process of growing and we become One with the Planetary Consciousness as well.

“…Every tree grows in its own time, and the right time when needed. Then the flowers of prosperity will bloom…” (Taoist Ancient proverb)

According to many ancient Vedic manuscripts, our Great Cosmic Ancestors knew the process of photosynthesis perfectly well. It is well described in Surya Yoga (the Yoga of Solar Energy), Pranayama (Pranic Nourishment)…The Ancient Egyptian manuscripts witness that all enlightened people of the Golden Age knew the process of ‘photo-integration’…Every morning they were meeting in the meditation to the Great Central Sun, which they named as ‘RA’ (Egyptian), or ‘Helios’ (Greek)…

Even in our times, we can meet such ‘mystical people’, who live purely on Prana or Qi Energy… Lots of Starseeds learning today the process of ‘photo-integration’ (or bio-photosynthesis): how to nourish your energy system with Light, how to accept and transmitte light vibrations, how to harmonize your inner system with photonic energy…

There are lots of portals online, dedicated to the Life Force Energy!

We recommend to start with Light Meditations, Qi Gong Practice, Pranayama (Deep Breathing exercises) and Yoga.

Our bodies gradually becoming more sensitive to photonic energy, so step-by-step you will start feeling like you constantly getting the ‘invisible nourishment’ (support) from Atmosphere itself, because the Planetary Atmosphere is constantly absorbing the dozes of photonic light directly from our Sun (‘Solar Deity’), and the Sun ‘translates’ for us the ‘light codes’ from the Central ‘Spiritual Sun’ of Our Galaxy. Our Sun is a sort of ‘gateway’ to higher dimensions of the Multiverse (multidimensional universal reality)…

The fragment is taken from A New Publication by Ana-Stasi Fennell, MA in Ed. : The Starseeds of Divine Matrix. Inspirational Messages from Enlightened Beings
