02.09.2015 13:02Spirituality

New Inspiring Issue by Essential Wellness for Holistic Education and Healing Arts.This Issue is dedicated to Autumnal Celebrations: Renaissance Fest... Additionals: The Urantia Book Presentations, Become a Conscious Entrepreneur,Tap into Your Kundalini Energy. More...

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28.06.2015 22:33Metaphysics

The Project Groups for The New Earth will be forming all across the globe. Those who have awakened to their higher purpose in this lifetime may well have aligned with this forceful energy and not been in resistance to leaving their life-long careers. More...

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11.06.2015 20:43Cosmic Astrology

The whole of creation is subject to a structure of cosmic cycles that ebbs and flows like the seasons and the tides. Humanity’s growth, development and evolution depends on these cosmic cycles and is connected to these cycles through the Earth. More...

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21.05.2015 04:21Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that blue-berries are good for the heart and the brain? Were you aware that omega-3s improve concentration? Did you have any idea that the nopal cactus helps balance blood sugar and manage food allergies? More...

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27.01.2015 14:22Metaphysics

A New Earth is coming to a world that recognizes the 'Law of One', where everyone is equal and all are Loved. A New Earth, where we realize ourselves in the image of our Creator, and where we create Heaven on Earth.The New Earth era is here... More...

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23.10.2014 01:52Cosmic Astrology

We are experiencing the Precession of Ages during the Age of Aquarius. Everyone with a strong light level and/or the desire for an open heart is awakening to spiritual initiation, which concerns the elevation of the human form and tendencies to a higher level with an entirely different set of perceptions of life. ... More...

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20.09.2014 12:09Healing Arts

Everything is energy, vibrating at a certain frequency. This basic principle may be unknown to most people yet once the concept is realized it opens up a whole new world. Within this world lies the reason for incarnating on the planet at this time. The Masters of Vibration are here to teach others how ... More...

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17.07.2014 06:31Spiritual Science
The Enlightened Soul…

For years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, More...

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[ 16.09.2024 22:40:51 ]